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Snowmaking Update

Dear Skiers and Friends of Oak Hill,


Happy December, we hope you had a good holiday.  It is so great to have some nice early natural snow and we hope you are enjoying the skiing that we are grooming for you. With the weather changing and temperatures dropping below freezing we want to connect with you about snowmaking at Oak Hill.

After a great summer of construction and maintenance, the snowmaking system is ready to go. It sounds crazy after last year’s deluges, but, with the lack of rain this summer (currently we are 30% percent behind annual precipitation for this time of year) the water level in Storrs Pond is at our NH State permitted minimum withdrawal limit.  Recent rains have been helpful but have not raised the pond level sufficiently to enable us to make a substantial amount of snow.  The forecast this week is favorable for making snow, but given Storrs pond water levels we will likely be limited to one snowmaking session on Friday night.  Future snowmaking will depend on precipitation and/or snowmelt.  Please know we will make snow on the Silver Fox Trail whenever we can to provide the best surfaces for skiing possible.  

We appreciate you, we appreciate your understanding, and we are thankful for you as being part of our community. Keep doing your snow or in this case, rain dances!


Mike, Korry and the Oak Hill Team.

One of our state of the art HKD snowguns ready for action


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